Pretty Table Runners

For the past few weeks I have been working on SEO for all my listings in my Etsy shop.  For those of you who don't run a website, you may be asking "What is SEO?"  It stands for Search Engine Optimization, and it basically controls how people doing a web search find you.  Etsy has definite rules for its SEO, and changing some of my tags and titles have really made a difference.

As I have been doing this, I have really spent a lot of time looking at most of my listings.  This has been great because I find myself saying, "Hey, I have some really nice products here!"  Kind of silly, I know, but when you are so focused on making product for specific orders or ordering fabric and other supplies, you tend to overlook some of your less popular (or actually less found) items.  In particular, I think my Table Runners are really beautiful, and I just had to feature them in a post.

Birch Farm

Fall Fun

French Journal


Memory Lane

Midwest Modern


Natura Carmel

Bon Appetit
