A Homemade Fish Cake for My Birthday Boy

My youngest son Jake is turning 2 tomorrow!  I love making my own cakes for both my boys' birthdays, and I didn't have to think long for an idea for Jake's cake.

Meet fishy, Jake's lovely since the very beginning.  I thought it would be really cool if I could make a cake that at least resembled fishy.  Since fishy is a unique looking fish, I knew that I wouldn't find a cake mold for this project.  So I started with two 9-inch round cakes ... chocolate of course!  I traced fishy's different parts and cut pieces from the two cakes.  Here is what it looked like assembled before I frosted it.

Frosting is the hardest part, for me at least.  I still don't seem to have the technique down for a smooth coating, but I think it turned out pretty nicely. 

And, I think that it looks pretty close to the original fishy.  At least close enough for Jake to recognize him!